Imaginuity® Introduces Cindy, a Virtual Shopping Bestie

As an industry first, Cindy is an extension of Imaginuity’s Pylot® platform that creates beautiful, human-centered website experiences. Leveraging her in both video and stills, Cindy's unique personality helps make JLL shopping center websites a go-to resource for fashion and trend information.


Our Clients

Jones Lang LaSalle
We Buy Ugly Houses
Taco Cabana
TXU Energy

Our Platforms

Pylot is a cost-effective, all-in-one platform for multi-location website development, management, and integrated marketing.

Using a modular design system, multiple websites can share a look and feel or as appropriate, individual sites can be supported through custom design. This can all happen at scale and with speed never before possible. 

Through add-on integrated services like digital advertising, search engine marketing and local listings management, Pylot helps you reach new heights of marketing success fast. Improve efficiency and enhance the customer experience at every touchpoint, across every location while maximizing return on every marketing dollar spent.

AdScience, Imaginuity’s proprietary customer data platform collects, analyzes, and activates first-, second- and third-party data enabling a data-driven approach to customer understanding, media planning, execution, and measurement.

Customer insights from AdScience give our media teams the power to develop highly efficient media campaigns that get the most out of every dollar spent. Online, offline, or an integrated blend of both—your ads reach target audiences with pinpoint accuracy.

Insightful performance visualizations show campaigns in action—what’s working, what isn’t and where opportunities are for enhancement and optimization.

Imaginuity takes an intent-driven approach to Direct Mail.


Our large-scale direct mail operation encompasses every process touchpoint from creative and messaging to production to delivery to optimizations. This full suite of services gives our clients the confidence they will be reaching the right customers or prospects with the right message in a timely fashion—without having to deal with the complexity of multiple vendors.


We have access to hundreds of millions of consumer and property records across the country and through integrations with AdScience®, our proprietary customer data platform, we track delivery of each mailer down to the mailbox and analyze conversion performance in real time.


Imaginuity’s direct mail platform is also tightly integrated with our media services including paid search ensuring efficient and relevant multi-touch campaigns that maximize investment.

Our Technology Experience


Our Services

Working with multiple agencies or vendors to handle separate channels and tactics increases this complexity, drives up cost and disperses data which makes getting a clear read on performance and attribution more difficult.

By providing integrated awareness and performance media services in-house, powered by our proprietary customer data platform AdScience®, Imaginuity helps you improve transparency, identify the most meaningful touchpoints throughout the customer journey, and get the most out of every media dollar spent.

Today, Google processes over 40,000 search queries per second. That’s a lot of people searching. To make sure your business gets its fair share of searchers looking for what you sell, or things related to what you sell, you need an ongoing search engine optimization strategy.

With algorithms changing regularly, SEO can get complex quickly and it can take months for results to fully materialize. However, your business will be rewarded if you stay the course. Our SEO experts are dedicated keeping you on top of search results and work seamlessly with other agency teams to make sure your business shows up in search throughout the entire buying journey.